Teal Out Copper Color In for New Roof

Racine Wisconsin, the Racine City Council has spent another hour debating whether the new Festival Hall roof should remain the original teal or change to copper. In June the aldermen voted to keep the roof teal to avoid ruining the city’s ‘branding’.

On July 17th the Civic Center Commission and Design and Review Committee’s chairman James DeMatthew asked the aldermen to reconsider the roof color. Saying the current stale look has turned off some customers and the copper color will give the new roof distinction.

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While some still believe the teal color is an identity for Racine, they voted 9-1 to change the color to copper. The roofing contractor hired to do the roof job said the city would end up saving from $10,000 to $20,000 by using the copper color instead of teal.

The replacement roof is designed to last 25 years and construction is expected to start sometime this year.

The Festival Hall is located on 5th street downtown right off Lake Michigan. The hall is used for weddings, concerts, festivals and other special events.

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