Rooftop Missiles To Protect London Olympics

London Olympics StadiumThe summer Olympics are set to launch this July and crowd safety is of top concern, as always. The British Ministry of Defence is taking some interesting measures to ensure that spectators, athletes and event staff are all protected during the 16 week affair.

Safety Measures

As part of a precautionary safety protocol, the Ministry of Defence is setting up air missiles on the rooftops of several apartment buildings nearby the event. Apartment residents were informed last week that their roof would become the potential launch site for several surface-to-air missiles in the event of an airborne attack. Residential roof missiles have never been used in any previous Olympic events, but British Security officials aren’t taking any risks this summer.

As part of the 1.2 billion euro Olympic security plan, the rooftop missiles are taking residents by surprise. Although many report the comfort found in the Ministry’s efforts, many are also concerned about the potential effects of the missiles if a launch was necessary. Despite mixed opinions, the missiles have already begun to be installed and will be the first of their kind to be installed and ready for action in London since the Second World War.

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