Great Time-lapse of a Green Roof being Constructed. Make sure to check out the video description for more details. Via (YouTube)
Great Time-lapse of a Green Roof being Constructed. Make sure to check out the video description for more details. Via (YouTube)
Lancaster California is home to the first battery powered, solar paneled house with roof tiles claiming to reduce as much pollution as the average car creates annually. The 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 1519 square foot home, received the roof tiles embedded with a catalyst that helps reduce smog causing nitrogen oxide pollution when the catalyst […]
In Philadelphia, the Bourse building built in 1895, received 210 solar panels. Estimated first year savings of $8,000, the system is expected to pay for itself within 5 years. The 30,000 square foot roof supports the panels by a racking system and ballasts so there is no penetration on the historic roof. The panels avoided […]
3 Autistic women in Nutly New Jersey received much needed help with their roof from NRCA’s new Pay It Forward program. A member of the Nutly Citizens Special Needs committee contacted the National Roofing Contractors Association and explained the need for 18 squares of roofing material for the sister’s home. Two of the seven companies […]
In east Atlanta Georgia, a group of teens are on the roof with hammers. The students ranging from 6th through 12th grade, and adult volunteers, came out to take part in the yearly project. With 250 volunteers of the Metro Atlanta Project, this is one of the dozen homes these teens plan on re-roofing this […]
Saturday on his weekly radio program, President Barack Obama announced that the government will be giving close to 2 Billion dollars for new solar power plants. The president hopes to increase the use of renewable energy and create thousands of jobs in America. The plan is to bring new industry to the United States and […]
If you’ve noticed any evidence of a roof leak (dripping water, mold, or water damage in the floors and ceilings,) it’s a good idea to inspect your home for potential sources of water entry. Starting with the ceiling of the room in which the leak is occurring, work your way up to the top floor […]
University of Virginia is undergoing a restoration of Thomas Jefferson’s innovative design of a flat roof over the Academicals Village. The original roof built in 1817 was designed flat so the water was diverted through gaps in the wood decking and into gutters and cisterns. Jefferson designed his roofs after the French architecture he observed […]
An increasing trend seems to be a group of well dressed, polite, salesmen who pull up to your home in nice clean vehicles and make empty promises to fix your roof, driveway or other home repairs. Law enforcement refers to these scam artists as “travelers”. The travelers often deceive homeowners into making unnecessary repairs. They […]
The Youngstown foundation, a community philanthropy organization, has given the Youngstown Playhouse a grant for $20,500 to fix their leaky roof. The playhouse will tear out and replace the area of roof that has been leaking for several years. A volunteer has been patching the roof, but now it will get a complete roofing repair […]