Springtime Roof Considerations

roof repairThe first day of spring is just around the corner, which means that homeowners should be getting ready to prepare their homes for the summer months. Springtime brings lots of roofing challenges such as unstable weather conditions, increased pests and even roof contractor concerns. As the season begins to change it is important for every homeowner to know the challenges associated with the upcoming months.

The Weather

Springtime is notorious for heavy rainfall and unpredictable storms. Certain parts of the country may even experience severe weather conditions such as hail and tornadoes. Weather related damage is the number one reason for roof repair costs in the spring and summer months. The trouble isn’t just in the weather conditions alone, but in the failure to properly maintain the roof before a storm hits. In fact, insurance companies often deny roof repair claims on the basis that the homeowner failed to inspect or maintain the roof adequately prior to a major weather event. Therefore, homeowners should prioritize having the roof inspected and any minor repairs completed prior to the start of springtime.


Another area of concern brought about by the change in weather is the increase in roof contractor scams. While there are plenty of reputable companies in operation, there are always a handful lurking around the corner waiting to take advantage of unsuspecting homeowners. The most common scam, or suspicious contractor activity, comes in the form of unsolicited bids or quotes. Door-to-door salesman attempting to sell services or stating the home’s roof appears to be damage should be considered suspicious. Although there may be legitimate causes for concern regarding roof damage, it is always best to call in an unsolicited contractor or two to perform inspections.

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