On Tuesday the Baldwin County Commission approved upgraded building codes as a result of the catastrophic damage left by Hurricane Katrina. The new codes will improve roofing systems in residential structures and reduce insurance costs for homeowners.
The new code will require special nails; roofing staples will no longer be to code. Asphalt shingle roofs will require an underlayment of a synthetic, tear resistant polypropylene, polyester or fiberglass fabric certified by an approved testing agency.
Adding an Additional $50 To Building Permits
The new permit fees will be increased by approximately $50 to help pay for inspections. County building inspector Mike Howell said “When roofing goes, that’s where the damage is — from water. The new code will not add much at the time of construction, but retro-construction will be 10 times more expensive.”
County Mayors and Baldwin County Homebuilders Association have endorsed the new code. The purpose of the new codes for upgraded roofs is for added safety and to protect the homeowner.